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 【发布日期:2010-03-11】 【字号: 】  【关闭此页










  No. 32

  The 4th PlenarySession of the 3rd Session the 11th National People’s Congress will beconvened at 3:00pm on March 11th (Thursday) at the Great Hall of thePeople. The session will hear the report on the work of the SupremePeople’s court delivered by President Wang Shengjun as well as thereport on the work of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate byProcurator-General Cao Jianming。

  Journalists mayenter the Great Hall of the People by passing the security check at thesouth passage of its East Gate with NPC press cards 80 minutes inadvance. Those who hold G2 Press Cards should be seated in Area No. 3,5 and 7 in the front of the Second floor, while those who hold G3 PressCards, be seated on the Third floor. For journalist on all floors,please put an end to your live coverage 5 minutes before the sessionbegins。

  The staff of thePress Center will start to hand out the Chinese version of the reportson the work of the Supreme People’s Court and on the Supreme People’sProcuratorate 60 minutes before the session begins.For domesticjournalists and journalists from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, thehand-out location is the Press room, north of the First Floor. Forforeign journalists, the hand-out location is the southern area of theSecond Floor。

  Before and afterthe session, journalists may conduct interviews in the area below thesteps out of the East Entrance, or the area outside of the GrandAuditorium of the Great Hall of the People. Journalists may alsoconduct interviews with the Ministers sitting in on the session in thedesignated area east of the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.All interviews should be concluded 10 minutes before the sessionbegins. Please do not conduct interviews on the street west of theTiananmen Square that might lead to congestion。

  For the journalistsdriving to cover the session, please drive through the East Entrance ofthe Tiananmen Square and park your vehicle in the designated parkingarea。


  3rd Session of the 11th NPC

  March 10th, 2010